
Merlin from Wappingers Falls (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Merlin is mostly blue with a little bit of Green. She likes whistling and usually responds repeating her name if you call her.

2021-09-04T09:19:31-04:00September 4th, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Merlin from Wappingers Falls (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Eli from Hopewell Jct. (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Missing Hahn's Macaw aka Red Shoulder Parrot Name: Eli Age: 15 Missing since Friday 7/30/2021 (still missing as of 8/23/21) Home is located in Stormville, NY If located, please text/call (845) 204-0830 Thank You!

2021-08-24T18:53:16-04:00August 24th, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Eli from Hopewell Jct. (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Coco from Olivebridge (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Today is August 24th and Coco is still missing since August 7th. We are driving and posting everywhere in the catskills - trailheads, local restaurants, poles, mailboxes. Stories have been shared about cockatiels that were reunited after 8 days, 3 weeks, even 70 days. And from 2 miles, to 23 miles, to 70 miles. We

2021-08-24T18:39:14-04:00August 24th, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Coco from Olivebridge (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Coco from Olivebridge (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Missing Cockatiel bird. Heavy Reward! Coco is very friendly. Hand raiased COCKATIEL since 3 weeks old. We are devastated. She only knows humans and will likely respond if you call out Coco. We are besides ourselves and offering a reward. Call 202.295.7840 or 845. 251.1468.

2021-08-09T17:03:01-04:00August 9th, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Coco from Olivebridge (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Found in Poughkeepsie (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Bird flew into the yard.

2021-08-04T19:50:58-04:00August 4th, 2021|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Poughkeepsie (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Eli from Hopewell Jct. My daughter's bird Eli is missing!

2021-07-31T21:37:13-04:00July 31st, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Eli from Hopewell Jct.

Blue from Warwick

Lost blue Quaker parrot (Monk parakeet) from Warwick, NY. It is 3 years old and tamed but is nervous around strangers. He steps up well, especially if he is on the ground/floor. He does not talk much but laughs once in a while and says "gaga" for treats. He got loose the morning of 7/22.

2021-07-24T21:16:55-04:00July 24th, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Blue from Warwick

Rocky from Washingtonville (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Our African Grey Parrot accidentally flew off towards Meadow Ave in the Washingtonville/ Blooming Grove Vicinity. Missing since 7/22/2021. Please be on look out. May respond to "Rocky, Step up ".

2021-07-23T16:12:50-04:00July 23rd, 2021|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Rocky from Washingtonville (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Found in Montgomery (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Two lost peacocks.

2021-07-11T09:58:29-04:00July 11th, 2021|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Montgomery (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Found in Washingtonville (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

White and black pigeon with blue and orange tags on talons, on my back deck for 24hrs. Feel free to contact me with info or with pigeon handlers in v/o Washingtonville. Thank you.

2021-07-02T14:36:51-04:00July 2nd, 2021|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Washingtonville (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)
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