Peter from Lockport (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)
We lost our parrot 06/28 near Bear Ridge Road in Pendleton, NY 14094. Please help us to find him! Phone# 716.909.1006.
We lost our parrot 06/28 near Bear Ridge Road in Pendleton, NY 14094. Please help us to find him! Phone# 716.909.1006.
This little guy flew up to my windowsill today! He’s a blue and yellow parakeet (budgie/ budgerigar). He is comfortable being handled and seems to be on the younger side. I’m keeping him safe and happy but I’m sure he’s missing his owner! Please contact me if this is your bird!
Not on his perch this morning. Last seen 6/15 pm. Never flew away before.
Pigeon Found: The Hat Factory in Peekskill, Very friendly. Pigeon is purple and grey and has tags on its legs. Please call my office at 914-358-9000. If after 5pm leave a message with the answering service and we’ll call you ASAP!!
Pearl is our beloved green-cheek conure parrot. She is about 9" long head to tail. She is banded with a clear ID number. Her escape from Lake Rd & Bellville Rd in Valley Cottage May 28th, has left us heart broken. Please call us if you see her so we can coax her home.
Hi everyone. Our green cheek conure Ruby flew away on May 02, 2021. We last saw her in Schenectady, NY. It has been a month as of today and we don’t know how far she could’ve gone. She does have a band on her foot. We miss her so much. Any information would be helpful.
Please contact me if you happen to see anything in the Scotchtown/Middletown area. African Grey Parrot, will respond to the name Rocky. Thank you.
Lost pet bird. Sun Conure. He’s about the size of a Robin. Last seen Monday, April 26, 2021 in western part of the town of Newburgh, near Chadwick Lake.
Large green parrot with orange markings was seen at the Vail Farm Elementary School in LaGrangeville, NY.....Old Noxon Rd and Rt 55.
My 5 parakeets, the color green, got out of their cage today. Maybe it was the wind today. Please, if someone looks for them and finds them, I will give them a reward!