
Found in New Windsor (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Found in New Windsor!

2020-05-18T19:36:22-04:00May 18th, 2020|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in New Windsor (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Bonnie from Lake Peekskill

Yesterday on May 14th at 11 a.m. our beautiful parakeet Bonnie accidentally got out. She has not returned home. She is thin with hints of blue, teal, yellow and white. She is pretty friendly and will probably be looking for food. Please if you see her call me right away at 646 302 1146. Thank

2020-05-15T16:30:29-04:00May 15th, 2020|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Bonnie from Lake Peekskill

Found in Albany (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Lost parrot.

2020-05-12T09:51:16-04:00May 12th, 2020|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Albany (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Rio from Yonkers (Sponsored by Kimlin Energy)

Went missing on 5/1. Says "whatcha doin, hey baby and pretty bird".

2020-05-02T18:52:40-04:00May 2nd, 2020|Birds, Lost Animals|1 Comment

Found in Saugerties

Found in Saugerties, NY. Green Quaker Parrot. Has a metal bracelet on its foot.

2020-04-30T11:21:29-04:00April 30th, 2020|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Saugerties

Found in Walden

We found some colorful turkeys on our property. They look like they are someone’s pets.

2020-04-14T13:46:44-04:00April 14th, 2020|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Walden

Found in New Windsor

I work at Kaplan Career Academy. Today our students found a parrot while they were on their walk outside. It is very tame and friendly and we feel it must be someone's pet. We have it inside, and will take care of it and hopefully we will find its owner. I did not post the

2020-03-05T14:34:17-05:00March 5th, 2020|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in New Windsor

Riley from Stormville

Lost parrot on 12/30 at 2pm on Route 52 & Shady Lane in Stormville. Can fly up to 7 miles a day. Subtropical so he needs warmth. He is very people friendly and will fly on your head or shoulder, he’ll perch on your finger. HE WILL NOT BITE! Offering reward. He’ll answer to Riley

2020-01-02T15:18:02-05:00January 2nd, 2020|Birds, Lost Animals|1 Comment

Pearl from Caanan

I lost a cockatiel on August 18th in New Lebanon, NY, which is right on the NY/MA state line. He was last sighted at Adams Point Beach on Queechy Lake in Caanan, NY, on August 20th. He is an adult male cockatiel named Pearl. He has two small yellow/white spots on the back of his

2019-10-14T21:07:06-04:00October 14th, 2019|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Pearl from Caanan

Found in Stony Point

Found a white-winged parakeet in Stony Point on Sunday Sept 22nd.

2019-09-25T13:56:50-04:00September 25th, 2019|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Stony Point
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