
Tori from New Paltz

TORI is a gray and white Cockatiel, lost Wed afternoon June 8 during a gust of wind blowing toward New Paltz Cliffs. Tori is afraid of hands unless the fingers are flat, together, palm up. Put your hand down in front of him and he will walk on. He will fly to anyone's shoulder. He likes to

2017-04-12T13:05:03-04:00June 10th, 2016|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Tori from New Paltz

Found in Cornwall

Found Parakeet!!! Cornwall, New York.

2017-04-12T13:05:04-04:00June 5th, 2016|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Cornwall

Found Dog in Newburgh

Found: Boston Terrier in Town of Newburgh, NY. Wearing a harness and a tag that reads a Wurtsboro, NY. Phone number on tag says out of service when called.

2016-05-16T10:07:41-04:00May 9th, 2016|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found Dog in Newburgh

Clementine from Wingdale

Hey friends in Wingdale! My cockatiel clementine just escaped out the back door. She's not used to flying too too far, she normally has her wings clipped but was definitely due for another trim soon. If you guys could keep an eye out for her that would be great. Also don't freak out if she

2016-05-16T10:08:50-04:00April 29th, 2016|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Clementine from Wingdale

Found in Kent

Dog found wondering Rt. 301 in the town of Kent, NY. Intact male pit bull, found with blue leash on.

2016-05-16T10:09:36-04:00April 21st, 2016|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Kent

Ba-ba from Hartsdale

LOST Parrot, Hartsdale: Ba-ba, Blue headed Pionis, 7-y.o., small/medium, wings not clipped, banded. Doesn't talk, friendly, will come to command: "Ba-ba come". Family is heartbroken, he escaped just as our dog was going to ER for emergency surgery, April 16. Please contact with any info, 917-647-1961

2016-05-16T10:09:41-04:00April 20th, 2016|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Ba-ba from Hartsdale
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