
Spotted in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Parakeet, light yellow/cream all over, coming and going at my feeder this morning. Flies away with the other birds when I approach so I can’t catch it. Just wanted the owner to know it seems healthy and is flying around with a pack of sparrows.

2022-08-08T21:54:38-04:00August 8th, 2022|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Spotted in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Zeus from Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Our little birdie got out, his name is Zeus. Last seen near Innis Avenue today around 11 am. He is shy but may respond to whistling the Jurassic park theme song!

2022-08-07T09:12:56-04:00August 7th, 2022|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Zeus from Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

FOUND CHICKEN: This hen was found on Hillcrest Avenue in Kingston. If you have any information, please contact 845 331 5377 ex 212.

2022-07-17T16:18:33-04:00July 17th, 2022|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Montgomery (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Weird post, but: Possibly found someone's pet...pigeon? Ridge Rd, Montgomery. It keeps following us around, doesn't seem to like to fly (although we have seen it fly short distances). It was walking down the middle of our street, no fear of cars and barely scoots away from people. Now it found its way to our

2022-07-04T13:19:22-04:00July 4th, 2022|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Montgomery (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

FOUND ROOSTER: This guy was found on Abeel Street in Kingston on 7/2. If you have any information, please call 845 331 5377 ex 210. Thank you!

2022-07-04T13:17:21-04:00July 4th, 2022|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Wappingers Falls (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

There is a green budgie that has been hanging around my bird feeders for the past couple of days. Has a red band with white numbers (I can make out 433 so far). Skittish. It is flying free.

2022-06-21T22:16:12-04:00June 21st, 2022|Birds, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Wappingers Falls (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Pumpkin from Olivebridge (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

LOST COCKATIEL BIRD - June 15th, 2022 - Lost in Olivebridge/Shokan/Samsonville area. Grey cinnamon female bird 'Pumpkin'. Please contact 845 251 1468.

2022-06-19T22:50:35-04:00June 19th, 2022|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Pumpkin from Olivebridge (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Ruby from Westtown (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Lost cockatiel on Route 284 and Hortons Rd in Westtown. Lost at noon this Sunday. Please call if sighted! We are devastated.

2022-06-19T22:48:01-04:00June 19th, 2022|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Ruby from Westtown (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Snowbird from New Paltz (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

lost grey and white cockateil in Aloha Acres, New Paltz area. flew out Friday, June 3rd 2022.

2022-06-10T23:11:57-04:00June 10th, 2022|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Snowbird from New Paltz (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Sunshine from Highland (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Sunshine,, my cockatiel flew away on May 8th and I'm still hoping she is found. She is a friendly bird. If you see her please text pics or text 845-596-2990. If you can get a picture even better. They all look similar. She does not have a band on her foot. She is just a

2022-05-27T08:48:41-04:00May 27th, 2022|Birds, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Sunshine from Highland (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)
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