
Mango from Highland (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

2025-03-10T14:28:50-04:00March 10th, 2025|Cats, Lost Animals|0 Comments

Espn from Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Espn is an indoor cat. We haven’t seen her since yesterday afternoon and are worried she slipped outside. Rosendale/Cottekill area off of Sawdust Ave.

2025-03-10T14:19:25-04:00March 10th, 2025|Cats, Lost Animals|0 Comments

Found in Hyde Park (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Long haired black cat found on Roosevelt Road in Hyde Park. Very friendly. Left ear is clipped. We couldn’t bring him in bc of our cats and had to leave him outside.

2025-03-08T21:05:54-05:00March 8th, 2025|Cats, Found Animals|0 Comments

Found in Ulster Park (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Very friendly adult cat been coming around my window for weeks now... I put food out... Very cold out there... Hoping it belongs to somebody... If not I'd like to trap it (which should be pretty easy since it's been rolling around on my garage floor) and get it to a shelter or get it

2025-03-08T14:17:15-05:00March 8th, 2025|Cats, Found Animals|0 Comments

Found in Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

While walking on the Vassar Campus this morning we saw this sweet small kitty huddled next to the Kenyon Hall building. We had our dog with us so couldn't get too close but we did leave some small treats. Hope someone recognizes her/him. She seemed used to humans, didn't run away and watched us as

2025-03-08T14:14:47-05:00March 8th, 2025|Cats, Found Animals|0 Comments

Milo from Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

This morning, I stepped out, and on my way in, my cat ran out the door, first hiding underneath the porch. MILO was last seen in the barn in the back of my rental. MILO ran away. He was in my neighbors yard (his original owners abandoned him) and climbed over a fence to the

2025-03-08T14:13:42-05:00March 8th, 2025|Cats, Lost Animals|0 Comments

Fuzzy Wuzzy from Rhinebeck (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

LOST CAT: FuzzyWuzzy is BLIND and shy (because she's blind and scared?) and has a left eartip. She slipped out a door the wind blew open Saturday, March 1, between 8 (our alarm system says door was opened at 8:05 pm) and 9pm (when we got home) from 323 Schultz Hill Road, Rhinebeck (Town of

2025-03-07T22:00:55-05:00March 7th, 2025|Cats, Lost Animals|0 Comments

Found in Bloomingburg (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Black and white cat (medium to large size) with black birth marks on chin and above mouth.

2025-03-07T22:00:05-05:00March 7th, 2025|Cats, Found Animals|0 Comments

Gus from Millbrook (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Gus has been missing since Friday, 2/28 ~4:30pm. He was on Old Route 82, in Millbrook, NY. Neighbors thought they saw him ~8.30pm on Maple Hill Road, near Route 82, in Millbrook, perhaps with another orange cat. We are heartbroken and worried. Any leads or information would be greatly appreciated.

2025-03-04T11:44:26-05:00March 4th, 2025|Cats, Lost Animals|0 Comments

James from Newburgh (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Lost orange cat Saturday night around 9pm. 1 year old. Has a collar with his name, James, and phone number. South Street Newburgh, near Luka Pizza, Monroe Street, NFA.

2025-03-02T22:13:54-05:00March 2nd, 2025|Cats, Lost Animals|0 Comments
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