
Spotted in Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

This beautiful white cat has been hanging around our home for maybe a week. She looks clean and well kept. She might just be an outdoor cat but we've never seen her before. Just want to make sure she's not someone's pet that they're missing!

2024-08-22T14:27:30-04:00August 22nd, 2024|Cats, Found Animals|Comments Off on Spotted in Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Rocky from Washingtonville (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Our black cat with pink collar is missing in Washingtonville area.

2024-08-22T14:24:54-04:00August 22nd, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Rocky from Washingtonville (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Miss Kitty from Middletown (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

My adult gray tabby - small/petite cat went missing on August 21.

2024-08-22T14:20:42-04:00August 22nd, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Miss Kitty from Middletown (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Addison from Rhinebeck (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Tuxedo tabby.

2024-08-21T14:10:52-04:00August 21st, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Addison from Rhinebeck (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Moo from Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

2024-08-19T16:27:39-04:00August 19th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Moo from Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Arthur from New Windsor (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Hey everyone we think our cat got out around 730 last night. He's an older grey Maine Coon with stripes and blue eyes. He has a blue bowtie collar that may have come off since it's a breakaway. Hes an indoor cat but has gotten out twice before. He may or may not respond to

2024-08-19T16:19:02-04:00August 19th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|1 Comment

FeFe from Wappingers Falls (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Black Cat FeFe is missing.

2024-08-19T16:16:13-04:00August 19th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on FeFe from Wappingers Falls (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

FOUND CAT: This DSH neutered male, all black was found on Foxhall Avenue. Emaciated. No collar, no ID, no chip. If you have any information, please contact us at 845 331 5377 ex 210.

2024-08-17T14:42:18-04:00August 17th, 2024|Cats, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Kingston (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Angel from Pleasant Valley (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Older cat partially deaf has a cat door & has been an indoor/outdoor cat his whole life. But I have not seen him for several days & no food is being eaten. Very friendly cat & loves attention.

2024-08-17T14:41:14-04:00August 17th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Angel from Pleasant Valley (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Belle from Newburgh (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

We are missing our little angel, Belle. She was mistakenly let out of the house. She’s been missing since Sunday. She’s a rescue animal that we adopted and would love for her to come back.

2024-08-17T14:38:16-04:00August 17th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Belle from Newburgh (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)
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