
Yarn from Patterson (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Lost Silver Siberian Cat long hair in Patterson, NY 12563, Haviland Rd, Brimstone, Putnam Lake 7/3! We are devastated and haven’t stopped the search!! REWARD if found or surrendered back!! He will come if called. #845-636-3331

2024-07-07T19:55:46-04:00July 7th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Yarn from Patterson (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Naomi from Ellenville (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

My Savannah exotic cat is missing from ulster heights rd or beaver kill water.

2024-07-07T19:51:31-04:00July 7th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Naomi from Ellenville (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Asta from New Windsor (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Je is a 5yo male tabby goes by the name asta it's pasta without the p. He loves food and is shy. Lost 7/6/24 in mobile park

2024-07-06T22:03:39-04:00July 6th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Asta from New Windsor (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Moi from New Rochelle (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

His name is Moi, he’s shy and tends to run away when it comes to loud noises.

2024-07-06T22:08:05-04:00July 6th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Moi from New Rochelle (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Ivy Rose from Carmel (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Can be skiddish or friendly depending on her mood and the environment.

2024-07-05T15:04:50-04:00July 5th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Ivy Rose from Carmel (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found young cat with flea collar. Was hiding in my shed crying. With the fireworks tonight and the three hawks flying around Today, I put her in a crate in the garage with food, water and a litter box.

2024-07-05T14:59:42-04:00July 5th, 2024|Cats, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Found in Plattekill (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Is anyone missing this cat in the Plattekill area, she showed up to my colony she’s friendly.

2024-07-05T14:46:41-04:00July 5th, 2024|Cats, Found Animals|Comments Off on Found in Plattekill (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Annabelle from Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Annabelle is an 8 year old female torti with more orange on her feet and tail. She is an indoor/outdoor cat and was last seen on Monday, July 1 about 10:00 pm in our backyard. If she goes out at night, she is always at our backdoor on the deck in the morning.

2024-07-05T14:40:12-04:00July 5th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Annabelle from Poughkeepsie (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Felix from Hyde Park (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

2024-07-04T12:47:17-04:00July 4th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Felix from Hyde Park (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Zig from Middletown (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)

Petite white and gray cat with cross eyes that would melt your heart. Her mommy and daddy want her back home safe and sound more than anything.

2024-07-04T12:45:24-04:00July 4th, 2024|Cats, Lost Animals|Comments Off on Zig from Middletown (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)
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