Spotted in Hyde Park (❤️ Sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank)
Has collar, no tag, very timid, won't come to me. Ran south into woods that border North Quaker Lane
Has collar, no tag, very timid, won't come to me. Ran south into woods that border North Quaker Lane
My dog escaped my home
Lost in the area of Joe Beez on Broadway, Navy collar, no tag.
Very friendly. High energy. Does bark but has never snapped at anyone, that’s just how he says hello.
Missing since noon 1/25/25 Bishops Gate area in Saugerties. Birth mark on tongue. Got loose from collar.
He suffers from a heart condition, so he should be found ASAP for his heart medicine. It seems like he should be around my neighborhood where I live not sure if anyone found him.
Sara found this female dog on Rt 22 in the middle of the road just north of Harney Teas. The dog has no collar.
Small American bully, She might be injured and very scared.
Female husky brown white no chip or tags. Thin. Friendly.